Surfing Links for Peru
Here are some surfing related and other helpful links you may find useful.
Here are some top rated sites on Google:
Global Surfers - These guys have an up to date chat forum for surfers going and what breaks they are surfing etc.
Magic Seaweed - I’ve never found the wave reports to be accurate but of all of them, magic seaweed does the best:
Wanna Surf
Samana Chakra - our friends Gary and Johanna’s lovely place in Mancora
Viva Mancora
Punta Sal Club Hotel
Peru Surf Guides
Olas Peru Surf Travel
My Surf Camp Peru
Pico Alto
One of the major challenges in Peru, is where to rent or buy a board. For more than a decade this has been a highlight on the public forums. Buying boards in Peru I have found to be less expensive. For their convenience, and selection, and two locations in Lima. I recommend can: Rudolpho Klima, of Klimax Surf boards. Visit Klimax Surf . There is also some other shops, but none I have found in Miraflores, except for the mall which has a billabong store with overpriced trendy surf wear. If you want to drive south of Lima about thirty minutes, Wahoo Surf Boards are also a popular Peruvain made board. If you want to rent a board, some popular locations like Mancora, and Huanchaco, have surf-schools and shops that will rent you a board. Easy to find the shops, they don’t have the best selection of boards but enough to get you through. Aside from these, their really isn’t too much in the towns, you want to show up with all of your gear, not be looking to rent.
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