Hosted Fly Fishing Trips
A great trip to Tranquility Hill with Jason Phillips and Bruce. Thanks to Raymond Mackey and staff at Tranquility Hill for being such wonderful hosts! All anglers; beginners and experts alike ripped BIG Bahama Mama Bone fish daily, with many chances at the big monsters. The guide staff was well-trained, patient, and taught all anglers new things. Special thanks to outstanding guides: Tommy Kee, Calvin, Marc, and All eight anglers would recommend this trip to friends or would go again. To learn more about Tranquility Hill Lodge on their website. Send me an email and I can arrange your trip for four or more anglers for free: [email protected]. Take a moment to watch our Saltwater Fly Fishing videos. Enjoy!
The next hosted trip: TBD
Nov 10th - Nov 18th - $2150 5night 4 day, includes guides, meals and lodging. Andros Island Bahama's. Includes a commerative shirt, or cap. Does not include Booze, gratuity's or airfare. 1/2 days can be added for $350 a boat, either before or after. Send an email here: [email protected] or use our contact us page for more information.
Pre-fishing in Florida's Everglades optional with Captain John Stark.
Hosted trip for 4/14 - 4/21 OR 5/12 - 5/19 (depending on everyone's schedule/flexibility) to Andros in the Bahamas. Bruce and I are both hosting the trip and can accept up to ten fun anglers total. The destination is Tranquility Hill. Click here to see the lodge:
The price is $3095 based on double occupancy, for 6 days of fishing, 7 nights - this is all inclusive, except for airfare, alcohol, gear and tips.
Target species are: Big bones, and the lodge owner says that the Big Tarpon run during this time, and a occasional/rare permit.
Please let me know if you have any interest in joining us.
To find out more about Fly Fishing with JP, email Jason or use our handy Contact Us form. Fish On!